Click on the roles below to contact the FMC

Simon Fenna, Contact

Click for membership form

Jen Chambers,   email:

Langdale Hut Bookings

Stair Hut Bookings

The Hut Custodians are responsible for the management and upkeep of the club huts. They are the best contact for any safety or maintenance issues with the properties.

The custodians of the Little Langdale Hut are :

Andy and Liz Hird
Home: 01772 769 337
Andy Mobile: 07917 765 966
Liz Mobile: 07771 764 192
Please contact the Hut booking Secretary, listed above if you have any issues regarding hut bookings, for all other hut matters please contact Andy and Liz.

The Hut Custodians are responsible for the management and upkeep of the club huts. They are the best contact for any safety or maintenance issues with the properties.

The custodian of the Stair Cottage Hut is :
Chris Bell email :

For hut booking queries please contact the Hut Bookings Secretary listed above.

The Magazine is put together from articles submitted by members and is published in Spring and Autumn.
Articles and original uncompressed photos can be sent on separate e-mails. I will be happy to help if there are any problems. Some information about where the photo was taken, and who is in the photo would be good. Also, if the articles could be submitted to me no later than 2 weeks post meet that would be most helpful!

Current Magazine Editor: Chrstine Fry.  email:

The website is currently under development. If you spot any errors or have any suggestions for added content, please contact the current webmaster :

Steve Clark Mobile : 07734 157320