No. 2 Newhouses is located in Little Langdale NY 31579 03030

The hut is with direct walking distance of the Tilberthwaite slate quarries, the Coniston Fells and Little Langdale. It is an ideal base for any activities in the central Lake District. Situated at the base of the Wrynose Pass, it is also ideal for access over the passes to the Western Lakes if driving conditions permit.

It features :

  • 2 dormitories sleeping 6 and 10
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Dining room
  • 2 x WC and 2 x showers.
  • Large drying room

The hut is available for Full Members to book for themselves & guests on an individual night basis whenever the hut is not being used for an external booking. Typically, Little Langdale is used for an external booking every other weekend. We try to ensure at least one of our huts is available for a club meet or member use every weekend.

Outside Booking Rates :

2024 : Weekend rate (Fri & Sat night) – £290.00 per weekend
2024 : Mid-week rate – £110.00 per night

2025 : Weekend rate (Fri & Sat night) – £320.00 per weekend
2025 : Mid-week rate – £120.00 per night

For hut bookings, please contact our hut booking secretary, Jen Chambers,   email:



Car parking is limited to about 6 cars at the Little Langdale carpark. Please respect our neighbours access rights and parking areas.