Welcome to the new look website of the FMC. The site has been moved from an ancient Joomla 1.5 site to a bang up to date WordPress site. Crikey, it should even work nice on your spangly iThing!
Check regularly here for updates on the club. Content will be added here by a new ‘website sub committee’ (I know!) and linked to the Facebook site. I will be changing the header image to fade between several other images once I have the javascript sorted….
Most day to day communication happens now on the Facebook group so get joined up over there if you already haven’t.
Also please drop me a line if you spot any glaring errors or issues with the site. I have tested using the latest Chrome, Firefox and Edge. For those members of the club still using Netscape (Darren!), get a modern browser today.
p.s. Don’t let this man run out of beer, your guide books will be next!